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Tips for Exterior Power Washing

When it comes to cleaning your home exterior, power washing is one of the best ways to get the job done. Exterior power washing can remove built-up dirt, mold, and mildew, and it can also prepare your home for painting or staining. In order to power wash your home exterior, you’ll need a power washer, some detergent, and some safety gear. Follow these steps to get the job done right.

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  1. Choose the right power washer for the job: You’ll need to decide on the pressure (PSI) and flow rate (GPM) that you need. A higher PSI will be needed for tougher jobs like removing paint or stains, while a lower PSI can be used for general cleaning. The GPM is important because it determines how much water the power washer will use.
  2. Set up your power washer: You’ll need to connect the hose to the power washer and to a water source. Be sure to read the instructions that came with your power washer so that you know how to set it up properly.
  3. Put on some safety gear: This includes eye protection and gloves. You don’t want any detergent or water getting in your eyes, and you don’t want your hands to get too cold from the water.
  4. Add detergent to the power washer: You’ll need to consult your power washer’s manual to see how much detergent to use. Too much detergent can damage the power washer, so be sure to follow the directions.
  5. Begin washing your home exterior: Start at the top of your home and work your way down. Be sure to overlap each stroke so that you don’t miss any spots.
  6. Rinse off the detergent: Once you’re finished washing, turn the power washer to the rinse setting and remove all of the detergent from your home’s exterior.
  7. Let your home dry completely before doing anything else to it: You don’t want any water or detergent to remain in your home, as this could lead to damage. Once everything is dry, you can then proceed with painting or staining your home if desired.

Exterior power washing is a great way to clean home and prepare it for painting or staining. It’s also a good way to remove any built-up dirt, mold, or mildew. In order to power wash home exterior, you’ll need a power washer, some detergent, and some safety gear. Follow these steps to get the job done right.

One of the best ways to keep your home exterior looking great is to power wash it on a regular basis. You should aim to power wash your home at least once a year, but more often if necessary.

Exterior Power Washing Services
Exterior Power Washing Services

Here are a few tips for keeping your home exterior clean and looking great:

  • Power wash your home regularly. This will help to remove any dirt, grime, or other build-up that can occur over time.
  • Use a mild detergent when power washing. You don’t want to damage your home’s exterior by using a harsh cleaner.
  • Be sure to rinse off all of the detergent after power washing. You don’t want any residue left behind, as this can lead to damage.
  • Let your home dry completely before doing anything else to it. This includes painting or staining.

By following these tips, you can keep your home exterior looking its best for years to come.

1030 Industry Dr, Seattle, WA 98188
(425) 457-6900

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